green news / eco news / renewable energy news out of South Africa, Africa and internationally
Friday, October 30, 2009
Have Your Say! The Impacts of Climate Change
The South African government is allowing all of us the opportunity to tell Parliament about our ideas & concerns regarding the impacts of climate change (political, economic, legal, gender, & social impacts). Find out more here. The deadline for submissions is 6 November 2009, so SPEAK UP, SA!!
Incandescent Light Bulb Levy of R3 Comes into Effect on 1 November 2009
The environmental levy on "electric filament lamps" comes into effect in South Africa this Sunday, the 1st November 2009. See a copy of the Government Gazette notice here. This applies to all "electric filament lamps" [as set out in the Gazette notice schedule] manufactured in and imported to South Africa. As far as we understand, this applies to incandescent lamps and most halogen lamps [there is apparently a range of energy saving halogen lamps on the market to which the levy does not apply].
Phase 2 of REFIT Decision Announced
NERSA announced its decision on the way forward with REFITS today:
R0,96/kWh BIOGAS
R2,31/kWh CSP [Concentrated Solar Power] Tower (storage capacity: 6 hours per day)
R3,14/kWh CSP trough without storage
R3,94/kWh Large scale grid connected solar PV systems [Generating capacity of more than 1MW]
[OTHER TARIFFS ALREADY ANNOUNCED UNDER REFIT PHASE 1: Wind power at R1,25/kWh; Small Hydro at R0,94/kWh; and Landfill gas at R0,90/kWh]
Small scale grid connected PV systems were not included despite the public's support shown for it.
The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and REFIT guidelines are yet to be finalised.
Read more here, on Engineering News.
R0,96/kWh BIOGAS
R2,31/kWh CSP [Concentrated Solar Power] Tower (storage capacity: 6 hours per day)
R3,14/kWh CSP trough without storage
R3,94/kWh Large scale grid connected solar PV systems [Generating capacity of more than 1MW]
[OTHER TARIFFS ALREADY ANNOUNCED UNDER REFIT PHASE 1: Wind power at R1,25/kWh; Small Hydro at R0,94/kWh; and Landfill gas at R0,90/kWh]
Small scale grid connected PV systems were not included despite the public's support shown for it.
The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and REFIT guidelines are yet to be finalised.
Read more here, on Engineering News.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Cape Town: Drop off your Recycling at Selected Engen Service Stations
Check out this Mother City Living article about how "Woolworths and Engen have installed recycling facilities for paper, cardboard, glass and plastic at selected Engen service stations in the Western Cape as part of their commitment to reducing landfill waste and protecting the environment." The article gives a list of which Engen service stations have the recycling facilites available.
FLOE Receives NPO Number [27 October 2009]
It has been a long wait, but yesterday we finally received confirmation from the Directorate of Nonprofit Organisations at the Department of Social Development that our application for a non-profit organisation number has been approved. FLOE is also registered with SARS as a Public Benefit Organisation.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
SA News: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology & Waste to Power Technology
This Engineering News article states the case for hydrogen fuel cell technology to be sped up and This Engineering News article tells why although farmers have shown interest in 'waste to power' options, many are not taking the leap due to the financial expense.
Monday, October 26, 2009
New Concept Electric Bike/Car Seats 4 Adults!
Check out this Engineering News article to read about Peugeot's new concept car which is more or less the length of a bike, yet it can seat 4 adults.
More on Eskom's Proposed Tariff Increase Application - Mixed Messages
This Engineering News article points out how Eskom stated that if IPPs [Independent Power Producers]are excluded from its revenue requirement mix, that tariff increases would be lower. Such a statement is misleading and could lead to a public perception that IPPs are a "bad idea". While in a more recent Engineering News article, Eskom's chairman indicated that "Power from private companies should grow more rapidly" and went on to say "Independent producers should be able to make their case directly to the regulator." Meanwhile, have a look at this Greentech Media article which highlights more hidden costs not considered for the production of power from non-renewable sources.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
The Day the World United - 24 October 2009 - International Day of Climate Action

Here are just two pics that we took at some of the '350' actions held in Cape Town. Have a look at our Facebook group to see more. For more awe-inspiring images/videos of worldwide actions, visit
Friday, October 23, 2009
Nedbank Building - SA's First Green Star
This Engineering News article tells us that Nedbank's second phase Sandton head office " be completed by April 2010, achieved a four-star rating, which signified “Best Practice” in green building." It is also reported that Nedbank is the first SA bank committed to going 'carbon neutral'.
Green Building Council of SA Launches Pilot Retail Rating Tool
Read more here on Engineering News. The article indicates that the public is invited to comment on this pilot tool, with the deadline for comment being 19 February 2010. Visit: for more information.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
The 11th Hour Talk Hosted by Global Carbon Exchange
Last night we attended a very interesting "The 11th Hour" talk at Cape Town's MTN Science Centre (hosted by Global Carbon Exchange).
Hollywood movie producer, Stephan Mcguire told us an amazing story of the events which led to him being involved in the making of the movie, The 11th Hour [a movie about climate change by Leonardo Dicaprio]. He also reiterated the truth that we all need to be responsible in taking action against continuing unsustainable practices [see]. Stephan also introduced us to his organisation called Coalition for A Sustainable Africa.
On the local front, our very own Gregg Oelofse from the City of Cape Town gave a very insightful presentation on the anticipated impact of rising sea levels in Cape Town and surrounds over the next 40 years. We looked at three REALISTIC "eye opening" scenarios and potential mitigation measures were also discussed. There was also talk of a proposed "Coastal Protection Zone" preventing further development directly on the coast.
On a lighter note, Simon Back from Backsberg Wine explained the process that lead to Backberg becoming the first carbon neutral wine farm in the world. He also highlighted how the work is still continuing and announced the launch of their new strawbale earth centre which will take place this coming Saturday. Backsberg intends to provide training programmes for the local communities at the centre and the centre will also be an office for "Food & Trees For Africa".
Deon Robertse of Zoom Advertising told us about his concept of a 'conscious' brand and stressed how companies who do not become sustainable now will end up facing the consequences. He also told us about an awesome new initiative called "Consider Us" , which allows children to write 20 words to world leaders explaining in their own words why it is important that the right decisions are made in Copenhagen at the end of this year [and beyond][have a look at some of the comments posted by children, but be warned, it's a tear jerker!]. He also hinted that Arno Carstons new single [still to be released!]titled "It's an Emergency" will be the project's official song.
Hollywood movie producer, Stephan Mcguire told us an amazing story of the events which led to him being involved in the making of the movie, The 11th Hour [a movie about climate change by Leonardo Dicaprio]. He also reiterated the truth that we all need to be responsible in taking action against continuing unsustainable practices [see]. Stephan also introduced us to his organisation called Coalition for A Sustainable Africa.
On the local front, our very own Gregg Oelofse from the City of Cape Town gave a very insightful presentation on the anticipated impact of rising sea levels in Cape Town and surrounds over the next 40 years. We looked at three REALISTIC "eye opening" scenarios and potential mitigation measures were also discussed. There was also talk of a proposed "Coastal Protection Zone" preventing further development directly on the coast.
On a lighter note, Simon Back from Backsberg Wine explained the process that lead to Backberg becoming the first carbon neutral wine farm in the world. He also highlighted how the work is still continuing and announced the launch of their new strawbale earth centre which will take place this coming Saturday. Backsberg intends to provide training programmes for the local communities at the centre and the centre will also be an office for "Food & Trees For Africa".
Deon Robertse of Zoom Advertising told us about his concept of a 'conscious' brand and stressed how companies who do not become sustainable now will end up facing the consequences. He also told us about an awesome new initiative called "Consider Us" , which allows children to write 20 words to world leaders explaining in their own words why it is important that the right decisions are made in Copenhagen at the end of this year [and beyond][have a look at some of the comments posted by children, but be warned, it's a tear jerker!]. He also hinted that Arno Carstons new single [still to be released!]titled "It's an Emergency" will be the project's official song.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What Are Your Children Being Taught About Alternative Energy?
We recently learned about a disturbingly biased poster that was distributed to schools throughout the City of Cape Town. View a picture of the poster here. Read Ninette's analysis of the poster here. We have met with the City of Cape Town to express our concerns and will be having a follow up meeting with them soon (hopefully). We will keep you posted regarding further developments. Please warn your children about it.
REMINDER: International Day of Climate Action This Coming Saturday!
This Saturday is International Day of Climate Action. So far, 4227 actions are planned to take place in 170 countries across the world. Footage will be taken to show the world leaders at Copenhagen in December. THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE FOR LIFE ON EARTH! Find an action near you, here on CALLING ALL CAPETONIANS!!! FLOE is endorsing two specific "350" actions which will take place in Cape Town this Saturday:- 1. Human 350 to be Filmed From Air on Table Mountain; and 2. Cape Town City 350 Celebration (paint yourself red and walk from Parliament to Gardens). I will be joining the latter action and hope to see you there!!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
ISES Solar World Congress Calls for the Rapid Transition to a Renewable Energy World
The ISES Solar World Congress [2009]which was hosted in Johannesburg last week [11-14 Oct 2009] lead to the passing of a resolution by the Congress which calls for a global target of 100% renewable energies by the middle of this century (by 2050). Click here to view the resolution [SIZE OF FILE: 2.9Mb].
Institute for Zero Waste in Africa in Cape Town
Today we attended an informal sharing session in Cape Town hosted by the Institute for Zero Waste in Africa (IZWA). IZWA shared their findings and offered some solutions for some of the problems we face today as a result of unsustainable human practices taking place around the globe. IZWA's charter principles are: "Redesign products and methods of production to eliminate waste by mimicking natural processes and developing closed-loops; Convert waste to resources for the benefits of local production and the creation of a healthy and sustainable society; Resist incineration and land filling in order to promote innovation in resource conservation and methods of production; and Collaborate with others with common interests worldwide" Check out IZWA's website for a list of helpful resource documents and to find out more about the projects they are busy with.
Monday, October 19, 2009
12 Turbine Wind Farm Planned for Grahamstown
This Engineering News article tells how "Rhodes University and wind energy operator InnoWind have signed an agreement to collaborate on research and development related to the construction of a 36-MW wind farm in the Grahamstown area."
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Cape Town Green Week has Arrived!
This week is 'Green Week' in Cape Town. Loads of things are happening so check out our calender to see which events you will be able to make. If you are going to be at work the whole week, then please consider atleast taking part in International Climate Action Day which is this coming Saturday, 24 October 2009. Check out for a list of 'actions' planned for Cape Town. Whether you paint yourself red and join a parade of people marching from Parliament to Gardens, or if you form a human "350" on Table Mountain, or join people on the beach melting big ice blocks. This Saturday is going to be a FUN day for you to express how important it is to you that world leaders take IMMEDIATE action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Friday, October 16, 2009
NERSA Announces When They Will Decide on Eskom's Tariff Increase Application
This Engineering News article informs us that:
1. NERSA will make a final decision on 24 February 2010;
2. Comment period (for written submissions) will close on 30 November 2009;
3. A copy of Eskom's full application is available on NERSA's website;
4. Public hearings will be hosted from January 20 to January 22, 2010.
1. NERSA will make a final decision on 24 February 2010;
2. Comment period (for written submissions) will close on 30 November 2009;
3. A copy of Eskom's full application is available on NERSA's website;
4. Public hearings will be hosted from January 20 to January 22, 2010.
Business in the Spotlight
RESPONSE TO ESKOM'S PROPOSED TARIFF HIKES: In this Engineering News article, National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers (Naacam) indicated that: "The cumulative impact of power utility Eskom's tariff application to increase electricity prices by 45% each year over the next three years would result in “the loss of many jobs in automotive component manufacturing”". and went on to say "They must implement urgent cost cutting, and an independent group must be sent in to assist them to do this and monitor progress and assure accountability. Also, an urgent plan of alternative power must be implemented, including solar and wind power, and government must develop a national plan to address this."
ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Another large company, Astrapak reports on how efficiency enhancing programmes implemented contributed to increased profits [Engineering News].
SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY - Hospital in Pretoria gets 'first of its kind' solar-thermal driven air-conditioning system installed.[Engineering News].
GROWTH OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGY SECTOR [CLEANTECH]- This Engineering News article reports that this sector has "experienced 1 000% growth between 2000 and 2007"! It is also worth the read for its comparison of coal and renewable energy alternatives, quoting the World Wide Fund for Nature's Du Plooy saying "Solar energy is essentially infinite, distributed, modular and fit-for-purpose, which meant that "we could cut out the million year old middle man,that is coal"
COMPUTER GIANT, APPLE RESIGNS FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (US) - This Simply Green article reports how Apple resigned as a result of "the Chamber’s recent comments opposing the EPA’s effort to limit greenhouse gases."
COLLECT-A-CAN reports food and drink can recycling has increased by 72% - read more here, on Simply Green.
BIOGAS - Simply Green reports on South African Breweries Biogas Recovery projects at one of their plants. Here, Simply Green also reports on a manure-to-power biogas plant planned for Heidelberg.
BIOFUEL - Simply Green also recently reported on: a soybean biofuel project in Mmpumalanga that will create rural jobs. [note: we are not sure what has been said regarding this project and the controversy surrounding 'food vs fuel'] Another Simply Green article tells us about the very interesting research a large Power Station in Arizona, USA, is undertaking. The project involves turning "carbon dioxide emissions from a coal power plant into biofuel using algae."
ENERGY EFFICIENCY - Another large company, Astrapak reports on how efficiency enhancing programmes implemented contributed to increased profits [Engineering News].
SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGY - Hospital in Pretoria gets 'first of its kind' solar-thermal driven air-conditioning system installed.[Engineering News].
GROWTH OF LOW-CARBON TECHNOLOGY SECTOR [CLEANTECH]- This Engineering News article reports that this sector has "experienced 1 000% growth between 2000 and 2007"! It is also worth the read for its comparison of coal and renewable energy alternatives, quoting the World Wide Fund for Nature's Du Plooy saying "Solar energy is essentially infinite, distributed, modular and fit-for-purpose, which meant that "we could cut out the million year old middle man,that is coal"
COMPUTER GIANT, APPLE RESIGNS FROM CHAMBER OF COMMERCE (US) - This Simply Green article reports how Apple resigned as a result of "the Chamber’s recent comments opposing the EPA’s effort to limit greenhouse gases."
COLLECT-A-CAN reports food and drink can recycling has increased by 72% - read more here, on Simply Green.
BIOGAS - Simply Green reports on South African Breweries Biogas Recovery projects at one of their plants. Here, Simply Green also reports on a manure-to-power biogas plant planned for Heidelberg.
BIOFUEL - Simply Green also recently reported on: a soybean biofuel project in Mmpumalanga that will create rural jobs. [note: we are not sure what has been said regarding this project and the controversy surrounding 'food vs fuel'] Another Simply Green article tells us about the very interesting research a large Power Station in Arizona, USA, is undertaking. The project involves turning "carbon dioxide emissions from a coal power plant into biofuel using algae."
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Transitioning from Non-Renewables To Renewables
In this Engineering News article, International Solar Energy Society (ISES) president states aging infrastructure of conventional power plants as being yet another opportunity for renewable energy. In this article, it is again emphasised how important government policy is in getting RE off the ground. The ISES went on to explain the concept of 'solar cities' and listed some examples of such cities across the globe and how these cities are successfully transitioning to using more sustainable forms of energy for power production and supply.
Eskom's Proposed Tariff Increases - Some Food For Thought
Eskom revealed more of its financial & other woes yesterday and confirmed details of its application for another massive tariff hike which was submitted to NERSA on 30 September 2009. With this, I point you to this Renewed Energy post which will provide you with the news links on this latest development and which will also give you some 'food for thought' on this issue.
Monday, October 12, 2009
The Time for Solar Energy Has Arrived, Mahuma
Engineering News reports on more talks at this week's International Solar Energy Society (ISES) solar world congress held in Johannesburg:- Plans for local superthin solar panel production plant move ahead; Eskom determined to build CSP demo plant; Renewable energy uptake needs adequate policy – Scheer. Some noteworthy comments made by the President of the World Council for Renewable Energy: "the renewable energy technology ‘revolution' in Germany took place largely thanks to policies put in place by that country's government, which created "investment autonomy"."; "in order to implement adequate renewable energy policies, there were a number of perceptions that needed to be changed."; "the industry should not wait for the outcomes of negotiations, such as the Copenhagen global climate change conference in December, as a habit of "globally talking and locally postponing" was emerging." "; "We must overcome the myth of indispensability of conventional energy,". Richard Worthington (WWF) was also quoted as saying that renewable energy technologies should be grown "as fast as is humanly possible".
"Solar Park" for South Africa?
This Engineering News article tells us "The CCI was partnering with the South African government to assess the possibility of building its first solar park, which could add up to 5 000 MW of electricity to South Africa’s energy mix." The Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) Chairperson Ira Magaziner was quoted as saying: "South Africa has long been known for the gold it held under ground, but the country also had gold in the sky..." The park's feasibility study is scheduled to be completed by end December 2009 and construction could commence as early as December 2010!
International Day of Climate Action - 24 October 2009
Check out this awesome international initiative at Thousands of people across the planet will be taking part in actions to show their support. As the website states, "the purpose of this initiative is: * Lifting public awareness on the need for an international climate treaty to reach 350; * Assembling a coalition of hundreds of organizations committed to this vision of a more sustainable world; * Connecting you with others in your community and across the planet who are building this movement * Providing on-line resources and tools that make pulling together an event easy * Linking your October 24 event with hundreds of other actions at iconic places around the world * Leveraging the day of action for meaningful political change." FIND AN ACTION NEAR YOU AND BE SURE TO PARTICIPATE OR CREATE YOUR OWN ACTION! Details available on's website.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Continue Kyoto or Kill Kyoto?
This Engineering News article informs us how we (South Africa) together with other G77 members recently walked out of a meeting during UN's marathon Climate Change Talks taking place in Bangkok. Accusations were being raised that "rich nations are trying to kill off Kyoto, which binds 37 industrialised nations to emissions targets during its 2008-12 first commitment period." The article also states: "The question negotiators are wrestling with is whether to extend Kyoto into a second commitment period from 2013, amend the pact or create a new one, a step many developing nations resist."
Hot Air? and Hot Water (SA)
While this Engineering News article reveals some of the details of Eskom's tariff increase application submitted to NERSA at the '11th hour' (30 Sept deadline), another Engineering News article lightens the blow by highlighting some of Eskom's most recent statements about planned renewable energy projects.... but is it all 'hot air'? Speaking of hot air, now onto hot water, this Engineering News article tells about how our Energy Minister will be presenting South Africa’s National Solar Water Heating (SWH) strategic framework to all interested stakeholders on November 5, in Johannesburg.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Petition Against Battery Eggs - World Egg Day - 9 October 2009
A group of women will be giving a demonstration and organising a petition signing to take place this Friday between 12h30 and 13h30 at the University of Cape Town. Check out the Press release here for more info. Please support this worthy cause by signing both or atleast one of these petitions! On-line 'Ethical Eggs' petition form available here. On-line 'Woolworth To Use Free Range Eggs in all their products containing eggs' petition form available here.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Inspiration from the Wind
The odds were totally against him, yet this boy from Malawi made his own energy, for free, by using the wind and junk/scrap. Read more about this amazing true story, here on Wired.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Commercial Property Energy Efficiency & Businesses' Roll in Climate Change Talks
SAPOA Roadshow Teaches Commercial Property Owners/Managers How to Be Energy Efficient - Read more here, on Realestateweb. In the article, SAPOA's Energy Efficiency Task Team says, "The roadshow addresses the vulnerability of the industry in the face of the energy crisis. It also serves to advise what companies can do to become part of a sustainable solution that aims to preserve and extend limited energy resources." BUSA Indicates Business Has A Roll to Play in Reaching a Climate Change Agreement. In this Engineering News article: "Business should play a positive role in creating a new global climate change agreement that would be “sustainable and more successful than the Kyoto Protocol”, Business Unity South Africa (BUSA)indicates."
Swedish Researchers Develop Algae Battery
Check out this Simply Green article reporting on how Swedish researchers have come up with an organic based battery made using a type of algae. The article states: "From ease of manufacture, to the low degree of toxicity, to the flexible nature of the material, organic-based batteries have several key advantages over inorganic ones such as lithium-ion."
EcoBlue CHP Home Power Plants
Read this Simply Green article about the partnership formed between Volkswagen and a German energy supplier "to build combined heat and power plants which are to be driven by high efficiency Volkswagen natural gas engines."
Monday, October 5, 2009
Update: Google's Innovative 'Cheap Solar Power' Research
Since our earlier post on this, see an update here, on Reuters.
Climate Change Talks Leading Up to Copenhagen
More and more is being said around the globe about what needs to be done about climate change as we approach December's Copenhagen Climate Change Negotiations. It seems that everyone has a lot to say about what other nations should be doing, but will there be firm commitments in December? In this Engineering News article, WWF calls for strict 'global carbon budget', while also quoting WWF SA Trade & Investment Adviser as saying: "For South Africa, under the scenario tabled by the report, the country would need to reduce its GHG emissions to below 1990 levels by 2030. Analysis showed that “even under the most lenient scenario, South Africa must reduce its emissions now." Another Engineering News article confirms how current climate change talks are stalling on setting targets. While a third Engineering News article states how the French Embassy indicated it is hoping that concensus will lead to decisive actions. WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MUCH TALKED ABOUT "COPENHAGEN" NEGOTIATIONS? Check out this Global Carbon Exchange (GCX) article for a brief overview. GCX also recently reported (read more here on Datensklaven) on Google Earth's launch of a series of "layers" on Google Earth showing possible future climate scenarios based on our actions today.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Off Grid Homes In SA - Showing How it is Done
Read this Engineering News article highlighting: 1. The South African National Energy Research Institute (Saneri)'s plans to build a prototype grid-free energy efficient small dwelling with the intention to have it manufactured in SA with the view of having communities eventually own the manufacturing plants. 2. Gives feedback on the energy efficient building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) house (dubbed "LangalinaMandla" that was constructed at the University of Fort Hare’s Alice campus, in the Eastern Cape. 3. Tells about a private homeowner's decision "to live in a home powered completely by solar power and free of any connection to the Eskom electricity grid."
French Development Bank Agency Extends Helping Hand to SA Banks in Gettting RE Projects Going
Read this Engineering News article which reports that "French development bank Agence Française de Développement (AFD) on Thursday announced that it would be extending a €120-million (about R1,5-billion) credit facility to commercial banks in South Africa, to be used for small- to medium-sized energy efficiency and renewable energy projects."
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Nampak Starts Campaign to Roll Out Recycling Banks at Office Parks & Shopping Centres in JHB
Read more here, at Simply Green. The idea is that people too busy to normally bother with recycling can bring their recyclables to work for processing! The first campaign includes the rolling out of 20 manned recycle banks. If the project is successful, it might be done on a larger scale throughout SA!! Well done, Nampak!
Building Efficiently - Who Wouldn't Want to??!
This Reegle article shows us again how building efficiently is cheap and most certainly the way to go (no brainer!)! It also indicates how certain rules and regulations need to be in place in order to help spur the practice on.
New Take on the Impact of Population Growth on Greenhouse Gas Contributions
Check out this Urban Sprout article about a study which "reveals that population growth’s contribution to the rise in greenhouse gases are almost negligible." The study states that "the real problem is the growth in consumers and consumerism– not just “people.”"
Lots of News from Urban Sprout!
Check out these Urban Sprout news snippets which we found interesting: 1. SA - Less Water Resources Available than Previously Estimated (on that same note, check out this very alarming article on the DA's website about Eskom's Proposed Medupi Power Plant potentially causing an environmental catastrophe); 2. Fair Game - SA's first wildlife-friendly label; 3. Backberg Wine wins Mail&Guardian "Greening the Future" award two years in a row.
Serious Concerns Raised Over the Burning of Trees for Biomass Power Generation Plants & Passing it Off as "Green"
This IPS article is rather disturbing and, one needs to carefully consider the short and long-term consequences of using natural resources as biomass to produce power before passing it off as 'sustainable' or 'green'. The same applies to using food crops for production of biofuels.
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Blog Archive
- Have Your Say! The Impacts of Climate Change
- Incandescent Light Bulb Levy of R3 Comes into Effe...
- Phase 2 of REFIT Decision Announced
- Cape Town: Drop off your Recycling at Selected Eng...
- FLOE Receives NPO Number [27 October 2009]
- SA News: Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology & Waste to ...
- New Concept Electric Bike/Car Seats 4 Adults!
- More on Eskom's Proposed Tariff Increase Applicati...
- More on What Sappi is Doing To Reduce Its Carbon F...
- The Day the World United - 24 October 2009 - Inter...
- German University Students Win International Solar...
- Nedbank Building - SA's First Green Star
- Green Building Council of SA Launches Pilot Retail...
- The 11th Hour Talk Hosted by Global Carbon Exchange
- What Are Your Children Being Taught About Alternat...
- REMINDER: International Day of Climate Action This...
- ISES Solar World Congress Calls for the Rapid Tran...
- Institute for Zero Waste in Africa in Cape Town
- 12 Turbine Wind Farm Planned for Grahamstown
- Cape Town Green Week has Arrived!
- Roads Made to Charge Electric Car Batteries As You...
- NERSA Announces When They Will Decide on Eskom's T...
- Business in the Spotlight
- More on Carbon Capture
- Transitioning from Non-Renewables To Renewables
- Eskom's Proposed Tariff Increases - Some Food For ...
- The Time for Solar Energy Has Arrived, Mahuma
- "Solar Park" for South Africa?
- International Day of Climate Action - 24 October 2009
- Continue Kyoto or Kill Kyoto?
- Hot Air? and Hot Water (SA)
- Petition Against Battery Eggs - World Egg Day - 9 ...
- Inspiration from the Wind
- Commercial Property Energy Efficiency & Businesses...
- BPA Update
- Swedish Researchers Develop Algae Battery
- EcoBlue CHP Home Power Plants
- Update: Google's Innovative 'Cheap Solar Power' Re...
- More on China's Wind Power Potential
- Climate Change Talks Leading Up to Copenhagen
- Off Grid Homes In SA - Showing How it is Done
- French Development Bank Agency Extends Helping Han...
- Nampak Starts Campaign to Roll Out Recycling Banks...
- Building Efficiently - Who Wouldn't Want to??!
- New Take on the Impact of Population Growth on Gre...
- Lots of News from Urban Sprout!
- Serious Concerns Raised Over the Burning of Trees ...
Disclaimer: This blog is updated as often as possible on a voluntary basis and we cannot guarantee that we will be able to report on all current environmental or other relevant news. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the contents of this blog, we are not responsible for any possible errors or omissions.